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Uplift Chatbot’s Personalization by Gamified Face Recognition

Face Recognition - Dream Cruises 星夢之旅 邂逅美人魚 Chatbot Campaign

Dream Cruises targeted at the up-and-coming young segment. Facebook chatbot was strategically used to acquire this mobile-connected segment and combat with the uprising fragmentation in their consumer journey. To capture attention on new cruise destination, we revolutionized ordinary chat interactions into extraordinary gamifications and rewarding mechanisms by adopting technologies that excited audience. As audience demand for information at fingertips by themselves anytime, we stayed connected with them through customer service in bot and hosted daily chat game to encourage friend referrals, as a way to create a huge base of potential customers.



>102,000 campaign interactions in just 5 days

>63,000 inquiries handled in 6 months

>10,000 unique users acquired


